Broken windows are not as bad luck as broken mirrors but they cannot be ignored. A broken garage door window is not only dangerous but can also signal to burglars that your home integrity is not important. You will need the tools and some time to replace your broken window.
Check out the Types of Windows You Have
Prior to 2000, garage windows consisted of individual panes made of glass and held in frames that were often made of wood. This made it easy to replace one pane of glass. Garage door windows became more common after 2000. They were composed of one long pane of glass that is held in place between two frame pieces that are screwed together. This newer type of window might be worth contacting a professional garage door service.
Measure the height and width to determine if you want to replace the window. The screws should be removed from the frame. Keep the door’s frame outside in place with a partner until you are done. Take out the old pane and dispose of it safely. Place the new pane. Place the inner frame and attach the sides.
Take out the broken glass
Use safety glasses and gloves to remove broken glass from your window. The largest piece of glass should be saved. To remove any smaller pieces of glass from the frame, use a putty knife.
Measure the window frame
Take the measurement of the thickness of the glass shard that you have set aside and then dispose of it along with the rest. Measure the height from the top to the bottom of the window frame and the width from the opening to the frame from the side. Add 1/8 inch to each measurement. This is how big the replacement pane will be.
Ask for laminated or tempered glass before you buy the new pane. Tempered glass is four times stronger than regular glass and is designed to break into smooth shards instead of sharp points. The laminated glass is protected by a thin plastic film on both sides to prevent it from breaking into small pieces.
Prepare the Window Frame
The small rectangular glazier’s points are what holds the glass in place. Any dried glaze compound or dried paint on the frame should be removed. If the putty is difficult to remove, you can soften it by coating the frame with linseed oils and letting it sit for at most one hour. To heat it, you can use a blow dryer.
Use medium-grit paper to lightly sand the frame. Use fine-grit sandpaper to re-sand the frame. Finally, clean up any dust or debris. Let dry the frame completely before applying a coat of primer.
Install the new window glasses
Use a thin line of glazing compound to the inside edges and corners of the frame. The new pane of glass should be fitted into the soft glue. It should be properly seated. Push the putty into new glazier points every 4 to 6 inches around the frame. This will help to keep it in place. The manufacturer’s instructions will be followed. Let the glazing compound dry. Paint the frame in a matching color to the rest of your window. Let it dry completely. Clear any dust and fingerprints from the glass.
How to Measure a Pane of Glass for Replacement
If you do not measure correctly on the first attempt, you will have to return to the store to buy more glass. Most glass shops offer no-return policies for cut glass. All window frames can expand and contract according to the weather.
Step 1
Dispose of the broken glass by removing it from the frame. You will need a pair of leather gloves. You can keep a piece of glass for the store. It will help you match the type and age. If you can’t take a piece, measure the thickness of your glass. The thickness will show the type and age of the broken glass.
Step 2
You can remove the metal sash holding the glass in the frame using a screwdriver. The flat part of the screwdriver/bar can be used to clean adhesive and any other objects. Take care to dispose of small shards.
Step 3
The interior width of the frame opening should be measured to be within 1/16 inches. Use a pencil to measure the height at the top and the bottom. Notify me if there are any size differences.
Step 4
Repeat the process for both the right and left side openings. Note any differences in the measured size of the paper.
Step 5
To allow for expansion or contraction of the frame, subtract 1/8 inch from both the vertical and width dimensions. The frame will expand in humid and warm climates, and contract in colder climates. Proper measurement of the glass is essential to ensure that it fits correctly and seals properly.